在留資格一覧 list of status of residence
- 定住者ビザ(日系2・3世及び日系人を養育している母親・日本人との離婚後の定住を認められた女性)Long-term resident visa (a woman who has been granted a settlement after divorce from a mother or Japanese who is raising a Japanese-American 2, 3th generation and a Japanese-American)
(フルタイム勤務を希望 )日系人材は(本国からの招へいに際し経費がかかります)(I would like to work full-time) Nikkei (there is an expense for inviting from my home country)★企業メリット:在留期間や就業内容に制限がありません。
- 永住者/日本人配偶者/家族滞在ビザ(主にパートタイマー希望) Permanent resident / Japanese spouse / family stay visa (mainly part-timer hope)
- 新在留資格 :特定技能1: 昨年からスタートした新たな在留資格New status of residence: Specific skills 1: New status of residence started from last year
※詳細は直接ご説明いたします。※Details will be explained directly.
(申請条件として特定技能試験に合格し、日本語検定N4レベル以上となります)(As a condition of application, you will pass the specific skill test and become the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 level or higher.)
- 技能技能人材(3年間/技能評価試験・N4以上免除者)の現地送り出し機関のご紹介Introduction of local sending organizations for those who have completed technical intern training (3 years / skill evaluation test, N4 or higher exempted)
*We are working with the「 Japan Silver Support Cooperative, 」 which is affiliated with the Japan Silver Support Cooperative Association, to bridge the bridge between human resources (introduction and management).
<Announcement of Cultural Activities VISA>
I would like to call my family (younger brother, sister, brother, sister, niece, nephew) (age: 18-45 years old) in Bangladesh, Philippines, India, Nepal for more than 1year.
<And let's learn from the world's best coaches at japan's famous dojo! >
Learn martial arts, tea ceremony, flower fleas and Japanese cuisine training in Japan to improve your Japanese language!
Study Japanese and take on the Japanese Language Test (N4, N3, N2, N1) and the Skill Test!
You can get a job after you pass the exam.