主な事業内容                      Business Descrition

日本と親日アジア諸国の懸け橋の為に尽くします!! 私達日本は新型コロナ変異ウィルスにも負けません!!!

※日本とアジア諸国との人材交流支援活動(Human Resource Exchange Support Activities between Japan and Asian Countries)

※日系外国人の就学/就職に係る支援活動(Support activities related to research and employment of Japanese foreigners)


(Most important issue this year: Securing specific skilled human resources in cooperation with the Japan Silver Support Cooperative)

※医療機器のメンテナンス業務及び保守点検・販売(Maintenance, maintenance, inspection and sales of medical devices)

※有料職業紹介業(Paid employment agency)

※国際結婚に係る支援活動及びコンサルティング(Support activities and consulting related to international marriage)

※発展途上国の小中学校設立等に係る支援活動(Support activities related to the establishment of elementary and junior high schools in developing countries)